Most Common Anxiety Triggers for Women

Most Common Anxiety Triggers for Women

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Anxiety triggers can be anything, including loud noise, an important meeting at work, even certain smells like shampoo or synthetic fragrances. When these triggers arise, many people may turn to drugs or alcohol to help cope with their symptoms. However, this can lead to addiction as drugs or alcohol only provides a temporary solution to anxiety. A women’s anxiety treatment program can teach you coping mechanisms to help you deal with your anxiety using healthy coping skills.

At Hammocks on the Edisto near Charleston, our inpatient women’s treatment center specializes in anxiety treatment and addiction recovery. If you or someone you love struggles with anxiety and is ready to regain control of their life, call 833.793.0191 today to learn more about our anxiety treatment programs.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety symptoms can range from a mild unpleasant feeling in your stomach to rapid heart rate and trouble breathing. The severity of the symptoms can depend on the situation and can make you feel any of the following symptoms:

  • Worsening stomach problems
  • Feeling weak or lethargic
  • Difficulty with concentration and memory
  • An overwhelming sense of impending doom
  • Irrational outbursts
  • Unable to get a good night’s sleep
  • Sweating or hot flashes
  • Uncontrollable shaking

If you experience several of these symptoms combined, it may be time to seek help from an experienced mental health professional.

Common Anxiety Triggers for Women

Women are twice as likely to suffer from an anxiety disorder as men. Without the proper mental tools to cope, it can lead to dependence on drugs or alcohol, which may eventually lead to addiction. The worse the person’s anxiety is, the more severe the addiction can be.

There is a range of common anxiety triggers.

Health Issues

If you have a medical condition like cancer or suffering from chronic pain, it can cause anxiety as it interrupts your daily life and can leave you feeling helpless or out of control of your life. This stress, worry, and pain can lead to worsening anxiety as the illness continues.


Certain over-the-counter medications such as birth control and weight loss pills are known to cause anxiety as these medications can make you feel uneasy. Knowing where the anxiety symptoms are coming from can help you control those feelings.

Poor Diet

Low blood sugar from skipping breakfast or lunch can make you feel jittery and is often mistaken for anxiety. Sticking to a well-balanced meal plan can help you avoid those feelings and keep you energized throughout the day.

Negative Thinking

Negative thoughts can spiral out of control when you are in a bad mood or doubting yourself. Your negativity toward yourself fuels not only your anxiety but depression and other mental health issues as well.

Social Situations

If you are uncomfortable in social settings, like an intimate dinner or a large party, it can spike your anxiety and make you feel uncomfortable around others. You may turn to alcohol as a social lubricant, but if you do not learn to deal with your anxiety in healthier ways, it can lead to addiction.


Daily stress can quickly build if you are not getting proper rest each night. Anxiety and addiction do not allow you to get a good night’s sleep, which is crucial for relieving the day’s stress.

Personal Reasons

Personal anxiety triggers can be challenging to recognize as they can stem from past or current trauma that you may not be aware of its effect on you.

Anxiety triggers may be different for each person. It is about finding those triggers and avoiding or managing them to get your life back.

Finding Counseling at Hammocks on the Edisto

Do you feel like your anxiety is getting out of control, and you can’t see a way out? If so, our women’s anxiety treatment facility near Charleston can help you get control of your life. We offer behavioral therapy programs which enable you to discover the root cause of your anxiety and give you healthy coping skills that do not include drugs or alcohol.

If you or a loved one is struggling with their anxiety and affecting their daily lives, call 833.793.0191 today to learn more about our anxiety treatment programs and how we can help get you in control of your life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Our Privately Owned & Operated Women's Center

Our South Carolina treatment center offers multi-disciplinary assessments, weekly individual therapy, family counseling, group therapy, skills building holistic life enrichment activities, 12-Step facilitation, sober recreation, balanced nutritional meals, and case management services.