Benefits of Family Therapy: Repairing Broken Relationships

Benefits of Family Therapy: Repairing Broken Relationships

Family is important. A family member who is struggling with substance use disorder can have a significant effect on the family dynamic. Our family program will address issues within the family and begin a process of understanding and healing as you move toward healthier relationships. Family therapy can help you communicate with each other in a safe and welcoming environment and help you repair fractures before they become too big.

We understand that addiction is a family disease. Family therapy will help everyone learn about the disease of addiction, receive education on the effects on the family. Then, they can start to look at creating healthier boundaries and making better choices as a family unit. If you need help repairing a broken relationship or learning how to communicate your feelings better, call 833.793.0191.

What Is the Goal of Family Therapy?

The main goal of family therapy is to allow a family to openly communicate with each other and learn how to accept differing views. No two families are alike, and complications will arise even within a healthy family dynamic. Some of the critical goals of a family counseling program include:

  • Improving communication
  • Learn about addiction and recovery
  • Understanding boundaries
  • Promote self-care

When you begin family counseling, the therapist will explore the dynamics of the family relationships and how each person interacts. An opportunity to develop healthy communication and boundaries will be part of the family education and therapy experience. Open communication is crucial, and we will educate how to communicate with each other in an assertive manner. Families need guidance and support as your loved one addresses their treatment goals.

Why Would You Need Family Therapy

Family therapy is an integral part of our substance use treatment program. The support system that a family can represent can be a powerful part of healing for everyone. The effects of substance use in a family can be significant. We will provide guidance through our family program to allow the beginnings of helping the family regain trust in each other.

Some of the main reasons for starting family counseling include:

  • Marital problems
  • Poor communication
  • Parent/child conflicts
  • Parenting skills
  • Unhealthy relationships

If you are ready to repair a broken relationship with a family member, participating in family therapy may help mend the relationship before it is too late. Hammocks on the Edisto is committed to providing holistic, evidence-based substance use disorder treatment and incorporating the family in the treatment process.

The Benefits of Family Therapy

Needing to enroll in a substance use disorder treatment program is not a sign of weakness or moral deficiency. Just the opposite, in fact. It is a sign of strength that you are making a conscious effort to improve your life and the relationships with everyone in the family. Here are just some of the benefits you will get out of family therapy programs:

  • Improved communication skills
  • Developing healthy boundaries
  • Improved family relationships and dynamics
  • Defining relationship roles and responsibilities
  • Improved problem-solving skills
  • Learn vital coping skills and family bonding games
  • Learning to accept others as they are

If you have any questions about family therapy within our women’s treatment program, please reach out to Hammocks on the Edisto today.

Let Hammocks on the Edisto Help

A broken family can be devastating to everyone’s emotional and mental health. While you may think you can handle any family situation, it can be difficult to see past your own beliefs. Our family therapist can help everyone see how their actions affect others.

At Hammocks on the Edisto, our family therapy programs can help you improve relationships. When you are ready to start the healing process, call 833.793.0191 and speak with one of our team.

Why Choose Us?

Our Privately Owned & Operated Women's Center

Our South Carolina treatment center offers multi-disciplinary assessments, weekly individual therapy, family counseling, group therapy, skills building holistic life enrichment activities, 12-Step facilitation, sober recreation, balanced nutritional meals, and case management services.